Self knowledge is personal power! Life isn't about how survive the's about how you dance in the rain !
Este nevoie de data nasterii si de numele complet (pentru cei care l-au schimbat,este de luat in calcul primul nume avut), dupa care se calculeaza 9 numere importante.
Calcularea numerelor principale
Vibratia nasterii
Se obtine prin adunarea cifrelor din componenta datei de nastere: ziua, luna, anul, pana la obtinerea unei singure cifre (adunarea fadica). Reprezinta peronalitatea. Este cel mai important numar.
La cifrarea numelui si prenumelui este nevoie de tabelul valorilor numerologice ale literelor.
Numarul dominant
Este numarul care apare de cele mai multe ori in cifrarea numelui si prenumelui, el va avea o influenta hotaratoare in caracterizarea personalitatii.
Numarul karmic
Este numarul care nu apare deloc in cifrarea numelui sau a prenumelui si reprezinta lectii care au ramas neinvatate dintr-o alta viata si care acum urmeaza sa fie absolvite si realizate.
Vibratia de interior
Este suma redusa la o cifra a tuturor cifrelor ce reprezinta vocale din nume si prenume. Numarul de interior semnifica personalitatea ascunsa, forta interna, inclinatii si motivatii interioare.
Numarul de exterior
Suma redusa la o cifra a cifrelor corespunzatoare consoanelor numelui si prenumelui. Ne arata proiectia externa a personalitatii, manifestarile exterioare, relatiile cu ceilalti. Asa cum ne cunosc ceilalti.
Numarul de expresie
Suma redusa la o cifra dintre numarul de interior si cel de exterior. Ne da relatii despre rolul pe care doreste sa-l joace, scopurile din subconstient.
Numarul activ
Suma redusa la o cifra a cifrelor corespunzatoare tuturor literelor ce compun prenumele. Acest numar influenteaza puternic numarul de expresie. Prenumele primit la nastere are o deosebita importanta, el ne particularizeaza de ceilalti membri ai familiei.
Numarul ereditar
Specific membrilor unei familii, influenteaza numarul de expresie dar nu in asa mare masura cum o face numarul activ. Se obtine din suma redusa la o cifra a tuturor cifrelor corespunzatoare numelui de familie. Numarul ereditar de cele mai multe ori se schimba la casatorie. El reprezinta participarea la karma comuna a unei familii.
Numarul cosmic
Este suma redusa la o cifra a numerelor activ, ereditar si vibratia nasterii, suma tuturor cifrelor corespunzatoare numelui, prenumelui si a datei nasterii. Este si o alta imagine despre noi.
Sa purcedem sa descoperim ce spun cifrle despre noi...
cum ar fii cel mai bine, cu un exemplu: pentru INSTICT
What Your “5” Life Path Says About You...
The number 5 Life Path usually includes one other person that is with you or is a heavy influence on you for your entire life. You might have a tendency to see your lover and yourself as one soul or one person....
You are about freedom, independence and the right to follow where your heart and gut-instincts lead you in life. You are an inquisitive soul with many questions that can only be answered through travel, exploration and experiencing a variety of life situations. For this reason you are likely to relocate to various cities or countries during your life and also entertain a number of life partners as opposed to just one soul mate.
You are best suited to freelance work or being your own boss as stuffy offices and rigid routines are deadly to your imagination and soul. You are a great lover of human nature as well as one of it's greatest observers, which is why you would make a good archaeologist, historian, writer, journalist, reporter or artist.
You are great at dealing with people and also do well in any "front line" occupation. For instance many crisis workers, emergency care workers and leaders of self- groups are fives. You need a job that allows you to meet a lot of people as well as brings you a variety of interesting experiences.
You also have quite a spiritual bent to your personality that may send you on many personal vision quests. It is not unusual for a 5 to also belong to many different religions during his or her life or suddenly in mid-life to drop everything in pursuit of a life-style that is the complete opposite of the former one.
One of your challenges is learning how to not waste time. Your perception of time is somewhat distorted which is why you are often late to meetings or sometimes unable to meet deadlines. Novelties and new ideas also easily distract you so sometimes it is difficult for you to choose a career or lifestyle and stick with it. As a result, others may also find you indecisive and frustrating to deal with.
Another challenge that you face on your life path is being overly irresponsible. Many 5's have a habit of taking off when the going gets rough. You tend be quite casual about your relationships and have a great deal of trouble managing any type of emotional crisis. You may even experience panic at the idea of commitment, as you don't like the idea of being responsible to another person. For this reason, many of you have a number of serial relationships rather than just one life long love.
If you are unable to physically escape circumstances that you can't emotionally handle or don't like, you are also prone to escaping through substance abuse. This is part of the unpleasant self-indulgent trait that is part of many number 5 personalities.
Finding one focus and sticking with it is definitely your biggest life challenge. Most 5's are multitalented but they never stay in one place long enough for one of their projects to grow and blossom. Seeing things through to completion is the best way to make sure that you don't suffer poverty or bitterness in your later years.
One of your greatest talents is the ability to communicate, either verbally or through the written word. Your expansive observations of life plus your ability to see all points of view makes you an excellent teacher. Most 5's end up teaching at one point in their life so others can benefit from the rich tapestry of their life experience.
You are also a daring spirit that has a love of adventure. You are usually very physically fit and enjoy good health for your entire life if you stay away from overindulging in drink and food.
Your Expression Number
INSTINCT, your Expression is 7. What Your “7” Expression Says About You... You are a secret rebel and a loner preferring the company of your brilliant thoughts and fantastic daydreams to the company of other people. You are incredibly spiritually sophisticated and this creates an odd air of detachment to your personality. You tend to express yourself in a very blunt manner to others simply because you are not a big believer in wasting time with niceties. You tend to not express yourself well through your facial expressions or body language although you can be quite eloquent with words. You do not say much but when you do say something it is usually acutely observant or very enlightening. To you the ultimate expression of your higher self lies within the mysteries of science, nature and the occult. Most number 7s tend to be interested in all three topics. Many are mathematicians, naturalists, anthropologists, historians or priests. The virtues of solitude appeal to you most as it allows you the peace and acres of time that you need to investigate your favorite subjects. Even if you have never gone to school you probably have the equivalent of a Ph.D in some kind of esoteric or scientific subject. An important part of your self-expression is the ability to be able to pass this knowledge onto a willing enthusiast or student one day. You are also likely to choose a romantic partner that shares your intellectual passions. As you are so quirky it takes a very special person indeed to understand your complex body language and need for a lot of personal space. Usually when you do find a partner that understands you, you are so grateful, that you become loyal for life. Although you make a great teacher, you do not necessarily make a good parent. This is because a child's curiosity often competes with your own child like need to be inquisitive and live in a fantasy world. You are very logical and in terms of your personal tastes, believe that beauty is a matter of form following function. You are also a perfectionist so much of what you own will probably be the very best or state of the art. You should be well able to afford this as your deeply analytical and logical mind also often lends you a talent for investing money. Although you like owning the best on the market you are not the type to show off. You tend to hide your wealth from others as well as you hide your other secrets. This is partly an attempt on your part to see if an individual likes you for you. You are very uncomfortable with expressions of emotion and often avoid "feeling your feelings." Many of you may equate relationships with the idea of pain or as an element that could potentially throw you off your balance or defocus you from your "real work." Sometimes your emotions are manifested through illness as you have a tendency to stash all of your feelings, especially the painful ones such as resentment, to the back of your subconcious where they fester for years. You are also prone to obsession if you let your feelings somehow become the focus of your life. The challenge of some number sevens is to distinguish the difference between how they feel about a situation and the reality of it. Your reverence for the mysteries of the universe makes you an adamant seeker of truth. Your search for an ideal society or a spiritual epiphany makes you more vulnerable than other numbers to the influences of cults or religious leaders. Your Soul Urge Number Your Soul Urge, also called your Heart’s Desire, is a reflection of what you desire to be, to have, and to do in your life, INSTINCT. Your Soul Urge is calculated by adding up all the numbers corresponding to the vowels in your full birth name. Using the cart above, you’d add up all the numbers in the top row. The top row: 6 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 3 = 55. Therefore, INSTINCT, your Soul Urge is a 1. What Your “1” Soul Urge Says About You... Your soul urge is to be the best at everything that you do. You play to win and when you don't win you suffer a serious crisis of faith. As you believe you are directly connected to a higher power you just can't bear it when you let yourself and others down. It makes you think that there is no God. One of your greatest challenges is to put your life in perspective. Most ones are born into lives that encourage their personal development and in particular the expression of their free will. However it is often this sense of entitlement, that the world must always be your oyster that leads to your downfall. You may see your pride as being evidence of your high self-esteem and confidence. However sometimes your ambition and drive is so extreme that it disgusts and angers others who may perceive you as selfish and controlling. In ancient cultures flaunting your talents and wealth was thought to attract "the evil eye." In your case the evil eye is often others desire to see your pride crushed or watch you take a big fall off your pedestal. You on the other hand don't understand why others can't see that you are special. Many number ones suffer from a bad case of terminal uniqueness. You love things that are one of a kind and will resort to extreme or even outrageous behavior to prove that you are irreplaceable. In your universe you are the sun and everything and everybody else rotates around you. Many number ones sabotage their careers in the early stages, as they cannot get past the idea that someone else might know more or be better than them. Ones that feel dominated may resort to overtly rebelling against authority and cause chaos. Your eagerness to be recognized for your talents sometimes turns you into a braggart. This often incurs the wrath of others, as it seems that you really are concerned with taking care of number one and nobody else. One of your soul lessons might be to recognize that "to rule is truly to serve." If your talents are not appreciated or recognized by others you may steal the spotlight by creating unnecessary dramas in your life. This is because in your mind even negative attention than no attention at all. If you feel you are a failure you also risk the temptation of escaping into addiction or fantasy. You may get involved in troubling situations with emotionally disturbed people so that you can feel like the hero by rescuing them. The conflict that you face is the age-old battle between your will and what fate has to offer. When bad things happen to number ones they tend to give up entirely. This is part of a damaging all or nothing mentality. This type of attitude often puts you in situations that are humiliating as you often persist out of pure stubbornness even though all signs point to eventual failure. To be successful you need to temper your soul urges with patience and tact. You need to learn to see other people's point of view and let others win an argument once in a while. You are in such a hurry to succeed that you often make hasty decisions that you regret later. Acting on impulse is definitely a hazard for you on your life path. Rather than listen to your ego, listen to you higher self as well.
INSTINCT, Here’s How This Ancient Text Discovered On A Chinese Turtle Shell Can Bring You Abundant Luck, Money, Love, Health & Happiness As Soon As December 14, 2016!
INSTINCT... this will be the most important message you will ever read!
Over ten years ago my fiancée Wendy dragged me out of the house to meet a master numerologist visiting our town, Christchurch, in New Zealand. Back then I didn’t think much of numerology, and neither did my scientist colleagues, especially ‘Iron-head’ John. However, numbers always fascinated me so I decided to listen to what the mysterious numerologist had to say.
INSTINCT, I was stunned! Listen to the story he told me:
“Did you know a man named Wu of Hsia has discovered an ancient tortoise shell from China with very unusual writing on it? This writing is estimated to be about 4,000 years old and is said to be the oldest piece of writing in existence. It has been studied by some of the smartest historians, professors and scientists in the world and… they were all shocked to discover…
The Oldest Piece Of Writing In The World Is About Numerology!
Numerology is perhaps the oldest science known to man. It is based on real numbers and mathematical principles that are predictable in nature. That’s why Pythagoras (one of the greatest mathematicians in history and someone you may remember from high school geometry) studied it so intensely! Pythagoras is known as the ‘father of numerology’ because of the great advancements he made in the science more than 2,700 years ago.
Since then, there have been many more advancements in mathematics, and with it, in the science of numerology. You’ll be amazed to discover how many things in the universe can be explained by a mathematical formula. Numbers govern much… if not most… of what happens in your life, relationships, health, and finances. By just knowing your name and date of birth, I can tell you things about yourself, your relationships, and even your future that will blow your mind...”
And for the next hour, he did blow my mind.
Since that day, my life, health, finances, and relationships have completely turned around… from being miserable… to everything I always dreamed them to be! Now, I live in a beautiful home, with a loving family, in great health, and no worries. I even discovered my true destiny!
The master numerologist took me under his wing and, I soon discovered I could predict major events and turning points in peoples lives with laser-like precision... I was able to create a "road map" for people's lives that left their jaw hanging open in astonishment ... I was able to glimpse into a person's very soul to find out what they held dearest and, to help them get more of what they most wanted out of life! I realized helping people this way is my true purpose in life.
At first, my scientist colleague ‘Iron-head’ John ridiculed me day after day as I intensely studied numerology. He was a skeptic, just like I was before I started my amazing journey of discovery. But once he saw the accuracy of my predictions and his life began changing dramatically better from my readings, ‘Iron-head’ John, like many of my scientist colleagues, transformed from a non-believer to a numerology fanatic! (His wife did too since I helped save their marriage)!
And You’ll Never Guess What I Discovered About You, INSTINCT!
In this reading you will discover who you really are, detail by detail. If you’re like most people, you’ll get emotional as you read and identify with these inner personality characteristics you’ve never shared with anyone before… when you realize the reason for the struggles you’ve been having… and when you discover the precious (and hidden) gifts life has given you.
You’ll uncover the different pieces of your personality that combine to make you the person you are (and how to appreciate, love, and take advantage of them). You’ll discover your individual strengths and how to maximize them, along with your weaknesses and how to tackle them.
Finally, live the wonderful life you deserve by uncovering your heart’s deepest wishes and desires… and the simple secret to achieving them! You’ll discover how to make the most of your life and live the life you always wished for!
“Future predictions are right on!”
"I was a total skeptic about this... so it's saying A LOT when I admit I am stunned by the accuracy of my reading! And the specific and very detailed predictions from last month to this one are amazingly on the button! I'm still keeping it a secret from my doubting friends, but this reading is really relaxing me about what's going on in my life and my future, and it keeps me laser-focused on what I really need to do. Skeptic or not, if something works, I use it. And this is working almost too well."
– John Carlton President, Marketing Rebel, LLC –
“So accurate it’s scary!”
"Your astonishingly accurate reading confirms exactly what has been going on and evolving in my life. From facts about my early childhood to my current situation, your reading is so accurate it's scary!"
– Susan Maurath, USA –
“I sat in shock as I read it…”
"When I got my reading, I sat in shock as I read it... I just can't believe the accuracy - there are things in here about me almost nobody knows, but you do!"
– Vicki Marks. Special Events Director, Missouri –
Here Are Just 7 of The Eye-Opening Truths You’ll Discover In Your Complete Numerology Chart:
Why you may not know about the most powerful ability you have! (Look at the section examining your 4th Core Number).
The real inner-workings of your mind! You’ll discover how your mind works for you and how to multiply its power! Discover how your mind alters reality, how it solves problems for you, and much more that will change the way you ‘think’ forever! (Look at the section examining your Rational Thought Number).
What your talents, strengths and abilities are and, how to have them add more success and joy into your life than you ever thought possible! – (Look at the sections examining your Expression Number, Karmic Lessons and Hidden Passion).
Why fulfilling this one desire of yours will immediately give you greater awareness of who you are, what your important goals are and, what direction to continue with your life! You’ll no longer waste time and energy on things that are not of utmost importance to you! (Look at the section examining your Maturity Number).
What your friends (and even strangers) really think of you! Most people project an image to the outside world very different than what they think they do. Discover the image you really project and how to make it the image you want to project! (Look at the section examining your Personality Bridge).
Amazing details about your physical, mental, emotional, and ‘intuitive’ abilities! Discover which are the strongest and weakest and what they can accomplish for you! (Look at the section examining your Planes Of Expression).
How to easily handle the most difficult and threatening situations in your life! First, you’ll discover exactly how you currently react to stressors (do you think them through, react emotionally… do something different?). Then, I’ll show you how to best tackle and eliminate these problems using the ‘big hidden guns’ already in your personality! (Look at the section examining your Balance Number).
1. Ascultand pentru prima oara, se recomanda sa va intindeti pe spate si sa intrati in cea mai confortabila stare a dumneavoastra sau sa gasiti cea mai relaxanta pozitie in scaun. 2. Pastrati volumul la nivelul maxim pe care il puteti suporta. 3. Este posibil sa simtiti o senzatie vibratorie in zona cervicala incepand de la baza gatului gradual sfarsinduse in zona fruntii la finalul track-ului. 4. Este posibil sa simtiti “amorteala” dupa ce ati incheiat ascultarea track-ului si este posibil sa simtiti o durere de cap impreuna cu o senzatie de zvacnire pe o scurta perioada de timp avand in vedere ca experimentati crearea unor noi cai neuronale apartinand celor doua emisfere ale creierului. In momentul in care migrena si senzatia de zvacnire se vor reduce semnificativ va veti simti mai bine / mai nou decat v-ati simtit vre-odata. Bucurati-va de acest sentiment! Procesul dumneavoasta de ascensiune a inceput. 5. Cei care au contact prima oara cu acest track il pot asculta inainte de o cura de odihna sau de somnul de noapte deoarece pe parcursul somnului efectele de dupa ascultare nu sunt simtite si te trezesti complet regenerat si reinoit. 6. SA NU LUATI MEDICAMENTE PENTRU TRATAREA DURERII DE CAP..este foarte important. E necesar sa intelegeti ca discomfortul cauzat de migrena si ameteala se datoreaza procesului natural de vindecare in curs de desfasurare si a nici unui alt motiv. 7. O sa dormiti in mod normal intre 12 si 16 ore pe perioada vindecarii pana in punctul in care corpul este complet regenerat. O sa simtiti putina osteneala pe perioada vindecarii dar procesul ar trebui sa se incheie in 5 – 6 saptamani. 8. Daca exista o senzatie de amortire in zona capului o stare de confuzie impreuna cu oboseala pe masura imediat dupa ascultarea track-ului, va sfatuim sa iesiti a aer curat si sa respirati adanc. Va veti simtit revigorat in scurt timp. 9. Consumati o cantitate semnificativa de apa deoarece corpul dumneavoastra va elimina toxinele acumulate pe parcursul timpului si de asemenea ingrijiti-va sa consumati atatea proteine cat corpul dumnevoastra solicita. 10. Ascultati track-ul pana in punctul in care efectele de dupa nu mai exista, deoarece asta indica faptul ca a-ti primit impulsul necesar pentru ascensiune iar corpul si mintea vor avea grija pana veti atinge maximul de potential care va este destinat. 11. Majoritatea Chakrelor vor fi activate in procesul de vindecare..inclusiv capacitati telepatice marite, clarvedere si capacitati vindecatoare( Daca a-ti simtit un gadilat si multa caldura in centrul palmelor indiferent daca sunteti stangaci sau dreptaci e necesar sa stiti ca aveti activata capacitatea de a vindeca afectiunile tridimensionale sau bolile celorlalti )..vor fi o multime de lucruri noi pe care le veti descoperi in capacitatile dumnevoastra ! Ceea ce s-a mentionat aici este doar o mica parte din intreg. 12. Sub nici o forma sa nu faceti abuz de putere in urma dobandirii acestor abilitiati care au doar menirea de a ajuta si de a fi impartasite cu ceilalti si nu folosite in scopuri egoiste.
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