vineri, 17 aprilie 2009

O femeie era in pat cu amantul cand si-a auzit sotul deschizand usa de la intrare

- Hai repede, ii spuse ea, stai aici in colt.

L-a uns pe tot corpul cu ulei de bebelus, dupa care l-a dat cu pudra de talc.

- Sa nu te misti pana cand nu-ti spun eu, ii spuse ea amantului. Prefa-te ca esti o statuie!

- Ce-i asta? intreba sotul cand a intrat in camera.

- Este o statuie, dragule, raspunse ea. Am vazut una la fel la familia Smith si mi-a placut atat de mult incat am cumparat si eu una pentru noi.

Sotul n-a mai spus nimic si in cele din urma s-au dus la culcare. In jurul orei 2 noaptea, sotul s-a trezit, s-a dus pana la bucatarie si s-a intors cu un sandwich si o bere.

- Poftim, i-a spus el statuii, ia astea. Eu am stat asa doua zile la familia Smith si nimeni nu mi-a dat nici macar un afurisit de mar.

joi, 16 aprilie 2009



Trei blonde intra intr-un bar.
Sunt fericite, danseaza si canta.
Tot comanda fiecare cate ceva de baut.
Barmanul pana la urma, le intreaba ce sarbatoresc.
Una dintre ele ii explica:
- Tocmai am terminat un puzzle si ne-a luat doar
3 luni sa-l terminam.
- Si ?... intreba barmanul.
- Pe cutie scria 2-4 ani !






Trei blonde intra intr-un bar.
Sunt fericite, danseaza si canta.
Tot comanda fiecare cate ceva de baut.
Barmanul pana la urma, le intreaba ce sarbatoresc.
Una dintre ele ii explica:
- Tocmai am terminat un puzzle si ne-a luat doar
3 luni sa-l terminam.
- Si ?... intreba barmanul.
- Pe cutie scria 2-4 ani !




sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009



Charlotte , Carolina de Nord

Un avocat din SUA a cumparat o cutie de

tigari, foarte rare si deosebit de scumpe.

Pe urma le-a asigurat, printre altele si

impotriva incendiului.
In decurs de o luna, fumand toate tigarile

din cutie si fara sa fi facut nici macar

prima plata pentru polita de
asigurare, avocatul a solicitat companiei

de asigurari sa fie despagubit, aratand ca

tigarile au fost distruse intr-o serie de

„mici focuri".
Compania de asigurari a refuzat plata,

invocand motivul evident si anume ca

avocatul a fumat tigarile.
Avocatul a chemat in judecata compania de

asigurari si A CASTIGAT.

(Citeste mai departe)

Administrand probatoriul, judecatorul a

fost de acord cu societatea de asigurari

si anume ca cererea de despagubire era cel

putin „neserioasa". Totusi, judecatorul a
retinut faptul ca avocatul detinea o

polita de asigurare pentru tigari care

garanta ca acestea erau asigurate inclusiv

impotriva foculului, fara a defini ce este
considerat a fi „foc acceptabil", iar

societatea de asigurari a fost obligata

sa-l despagubeasca pe asigurat.
Decat sa treaca printr-un proces lung si

costisitor,societatea de asigurare a

acceptat sentinta si a platit 15.000 $

avocatului pentru pierderea tigarilor in


Dupa ce avocatul si-a incasat cecul,

compania de asigurari a cerut ca acesta sa

fie arestat pentru 24 de cazuri de

In urma propriei cereri de despagubire si

a declaratiei de la procesul anterior

(folosite acum impotriva lui), avocatul
a fost condamnat pentru incendiere

intentionata a bunurilor sale asigurate si

a fost condamnat la 24 de luni de
inchisoare si o amenda de 24.000$

Aceasta este o povestire adevarata si a

castigat Locul I la concursul „Recent

Criminal Lawyers Award Contest"

sâmbătă, 4 aprilie 2009

Multi nu vor sa accepte ceea ce nu inteleg !
Ignoranta este cel mai mare dusman al omenirii.



vineri, 3 aprilie 2009


Who Am I? What Am I? The 12 Laws

Of Identity

Law 1. You have a right

to feel. It is OK to feel all of

your feelings. It is OK to be

angry with others who have harmed

you. Anger is a safety device,

and it also helps to separate you

from wrong identity beliefs, and

from those who programmed you. BE

what you are in the moment. If

you are angry, then be that. If

you are sad, be that. If you are

lost, be that. If you are

ecstatically happy, be that.

Don't try to clean everything up.

Feelings happen for reasons.

Feelings come from real things and

real experiences.

Law 2. You can't save

anyone, but maybe you can save

yourself. You can't save your

parents, or brothers and sisters.

You can only save yourself. You

can set an example for how they

can help themselves. But, that is

all. You can't prop them up, fix

their feelings, or do brain

surgery. Let each of them decide

their own path. They most likely

will not listen to you, any way.

Law 3. Martyrs finish

last. Do not become a carbon copy

of martyred parents. Learn about

who you are, and find ways to

create real happiness. And, very

important. Write down what you

think. This is critical. Create

a self talk Journal of the things

that you 'think' about you each

day. 99% of what you write that

is negative martyrdom, that comes

from an outside source. Usually it

is learned from those who raised


Law 4. No one is

perfect. God is perfect, and we

are not. No matter how hard you

try to be perfect for your dad,

your mother, or a step-parent; you

will never be good enough. Be

what you want, not what others

want you to be.

Law 5. LIVE your

dreams. Find out what you want in

life, and FIGHT to create it. I

say fight, because you will have

to fight with your mind, and you

may also have to fight with family

members, or even your spouse. If

you don't know what your dreams

are, maybe it is time to find out.

Law 6. Trust in the

divine. Open the door on your

spiritual life, and use it as a

Guideline for your life. Know

that you are loved unconditionally

by your Guides, Masters, Angels,

Spirit, & above all God. Once

your realize this one special

truth, you gain a toe-hold on self

love. "If They love me

unconditionally, maybe I am OK".

Law 7. Do the best that

you can. Do what you can each

day, to the best of your ability,

and then let it go. Do not hammer

yourself with self criticisms,

especially at night. Evening is

for rest, not verbal self abuse.

Law 8. Travel in

positive circles. If your friends

drink and drive, don't be with

them, and in fact replace them.

Find people of positive like mind

to share your time with. Do not

waste your time with those who

would try to destroy your dreams,

or those who's energy is so low,

that they would hold you back.

This includes family members.

Law 9. When day is

done. At the end of the day, give

thanks for the opportunity to have

had your experiences, and let the

day go. There is no reason to sit

and fret about what would have

been better. Or how you could

have improved on what you said or


Law 10. March to your

own drummer. Do not be a copy of

someone else, be an original of

who you are. Each of us is

unique. What is the point of

acting like everyone else? It may

seem to be safe, but it is not.

Acting like someone else destroys

your identity.

Law 11. Love someone

who is functional, not

dysfunctional. If you want a

happy love relationship, then

marry it. Don't try to create it

from someone who is not

functional. If they don't do

their own identity work, there is

nothing that you can do to 'fix'

them. If you are trying to have a

happy life, why would you marry

someone who would mess that up?

Do your best to find a partner who

also seeks to have a happy life,

and who is learning to love


Law 12. Pass it on.

When love comes your way, in any

form, be aware of the gift, and

pass it on to others. You can

touch hundreds by sharing love.

By sharing the love that comes to

you, you can help to create a

network of love that can help

many. Sharing the good that comes

to you, is a natural human

response. Listen to your desire to

share, and go with it!










    1. Don't Let The World Beat You Down!


Nosce te ipsum

Fii cu luare aminte sa nu faci nimic din ceea ce sta dincolo de puterile tale, dar nici sa nu neglijezi ceva din ceea ce este cuprins în limita acestor puteri. Priveste dincolo de cotidian, de momentan si pune-ti teluri (idealuri) ce stau în legatura cu îndatoririle cele mai înalte ale unui om, ca de pilda: sa vrei sa te dezvolti în sensul exercitiilor indicate, pentru a putea apoi sa-i sfatuiesti si sa-i ajuti cât mai bine pe semeni, chiar daca în viitorul nu foarte apropiat.

News now

See More Now

joi, 2 aprilie 2009

Lily was here



Carpe Diem

Atunci cand nu obtinem ce ne

dorim si cand ne dorim, exista din

cand in cand o mare sansa

undeva,candva sa se iveasca ceva mai bun.