vineri, 22 iulie 2016


Din hobby doar, pentru prieteni curiosi si pentru mine.


                                                         ELEMENTE DE BAZA

  Exista 12 Zodii, 10 Planete si 12 Case, iar combinatiile dintre ele sunt multiple.

                         SEMNIFICATIA  CASELOR  IN   ASTROGRAME

  Întreaga sferă a cerului este împărțită în patru părți egale de către Meridian și Orizont. 
Fiecare din aceste patru cadrane este la rândul lui împărțit în trei părți, în concordanță cu celelalte cercuri trasate prin punctele de secțiune ale Meridianului și Orizontului. 

În acest fel întregul cer este divizat în 12 părți egale, pe care astrologii le numesc Case, și care încep de la Est.

Primul cadran este descris de la Est către Mijlocul Cerului, sau de la linia primei Case până la linia Casei X, și conține Casele XII, XI și X. Acesta este un cadran oriental, vernal, masculin, sanguin, infantil.

Al doilea cadran este de la cuspida Mijlocului Cerului până la Casa VII, și conține Casele IX, VIII și VII. Este un cadran meridian, estival, feminin, adolescent, coleric.

Al treilea cadran este de la cuspida Casei VII până la cuspida Casei IV, și conține Casele VI, V și IV. Este un cadran occidental, tomnatic, masculin, melancolic, adult, rece și uscat.

Al patrulea cadran este de la cuspida Casei IV până la prima Casă, și conține Casele III, II și I. Este un cadran nordic, feminin, bătrân, de natura iernii, flegmatic.

Casele I, X, VII și IV sunt numite Unghiuri, Casele XI, II, VIII și V sunt numite succedente, iar Casele III, XII, IX și VI sunt denumite cadente
Unghiurile sunt cele mai puternice, cele succedente sunt următoarele ca virtute, iar cele cadente sunt slabe, și de mică eficacitate.
 Casele succedente urmează Unghiurilor, iar cadentele vin după succedente. 


I. Persoana, voința, relația cu viața, reacția la mediul înconjurător

II. Bani, mijloace materiale, câștiguri, cheltuieli, energie

III. Gândire, comunicare, procesare și transfer al informației, studii, călătorii scurte

IV. Casa, mediul înconjurător, condiții externe și interne, părinți

V. Expresia conștiinței de sine, copii, creativitate, jocuri, dragoste

VI. Sănătate, grijă pentru corp, dietă, haine, muncă de rutină și serviciu

VII. Relații cu alți oameni, parteneri

VIII. Finanțe publice, asigurări, taxe

IX. Filosofie, religie, educație înaltă, călătorii lungi, străinătate

X. Statut public, reputație profesională, carieră, ambiție

XI. Expresie de sine colectivă, prieteni, speranțe

XII. Reacții emoționale inconștiente, singurătate.

Ordinea caselor ca valoare 
in forță și virtute este următoarea:

   1, 10, 7, 4, 11, 5, 9, 3, 2, 8 ,6 ,12.

       Înțelesul acestei ordini este că dacă două planete sunt demnitate în mod egal, una aflată în Ascendent, cealaltă în Casa X, trebuie să judeci că planeta din Ascendent are cumva mai multă putere pentru a efectua ceea ce semnifică, decât are cea din Casa X. Urmează și în rest această ordine, ținând minte că planetele din Unghiuri își arată efectul cu o forță mai mare.

                  Casa 1

Se numește Ascendent, pentru că atunci când Soarele vine pe cuspida acestei Case, el ascende, sau răsare, și este vizibil în orizontul nostru. Ascendentul este dat de momentul primei respiratii la nastere.Casa 1-a este masculină.

Are semnificația vieții omului, staturii, culorii, tenului și formei celui ce pune întrebarea, sau celui ce este născut. În eclipse și Mari Conjuncții, precum și la ingresul anual al Soarelui în Berbec, semnifică oamenii comuni, sau starea generală a regatului unde se ridică harta.

Și deoarece este prima Casă, reprezintă capul și fața omului, așa încât dacă Saturn, Marte sau Nodul Sud se află în această Casă, la timpul întrebării sau la timpul nașterii, vei observa o pată pe față, sau în acel membru ce corespunde semnului ce se află pe cuspida Casei. Astfel dacă Berbecul este în Ascendent, pata sau cicatricea este fără greș pe cap sau pe față. Și dacă la răsărit sunt câteva grade, pata este în partea de sus a capului. Dacă mijlocul semnului este pe cuspidă, pata sau cicatricea este în mijlocul feței, sau aproape de acesta. Dacă răsar ultimele grade, fața este marcată undeva lângă obraz, aproape de gât. Acest lucru l-am găsit adevărat în sute de exemple.

Despre culori, îl are pe alb. Aceasta înseamnă că dacă o planetă se află în această Casă ce are semnificația albului, tenul ființei este mai palid, alb sau gălbui. Sau dacă te întrebi despre culoarea unor haine ale oricărui om, și semnificatorul acestuia se află în Casa I și într-un semn corespunzător, hainele acestuia sunt albe sau gri, sau apropiate de aceste culori. Dacă întrebarea se referă la animale, și semnificatorul lor se găsește în această Casă, denotă că ele sunt de această culoare sau apropiată.

Cosemnificatorii acestei Case sunt Berbecul și Saturn, pentru că așa cum această Casă este prima, așa și Berbecul este primul semn, și la fel Saturn este prima planetă. De aceea când Saturn este bine fortificat în această Casă, și într-un aspect bun cu Jupiter, Venus, Soarele sau Luna, promite o constituție bună și sobră a corpului, și de obicei o viață lungă.

Mercur își are bucuria în această Casă, pentru că reprezintă capul, iar el este limba, imaginația și memoria. Când el este bine demnitat și poziționat în această Casă, el dă oratori buni.

Evident ca nu trebuie sa luam
ad literam toate descrierile. 
Acestea se regasesc la multi nativi,

la unii doar unele,etc.

        HARTA TRANZITE 22 IULIE 2016

      (chiar inainte de atentatul din Munchen)

Horoscop  tranzite

Rising Sign

Sagittarius Ascendant
Sagittarius was rising at your birth; a sign belonging to the element fire and to the mutable or common quality. This gives you an honorable and open-minded disposition, frank and candid. You are generous, kind and sympathetic, truthful and just. You have much sense of dignity and like neatness, orderliness, precision and correctness both in person and surroundings. You have also a love of beauty in form and outline and have much taste in clothes, ornaments, and decorations. You are a lover of freedom and independence; are generally active and restless, as well as hopeful and cheery. You are fond of out-door sports and exercises and may gain a good deal of skill in this direction. You are somewhat impulsive and fiery, sometimes a little too brusque and abrupt, but usually only when offended; for as a rule you are very ceremonious in your behavior and dislike anything like a. breach of etiquette. You are generous, humane, and benevolent. You are versatile in mind, and have a natural ability to cultivate the mind in the direction of the higher or more difficult branches of learning, such as philosophy, theology or law. You have the sense of reverence and devotion and have much natural religion whether you cultivate it or not. Jupiter is the planet ruling the sign Sagittarius.

The Sun stands for the individuality, just as the Moon expresses the personality. It also governs the constitution and is the Life force and backbone of the whole system. Where the Sun is strong by position of aspects, it gives strength of character, a powerful will and a vigorous constitution, all of which contribute toward making the life successful. Where the Sun is weak, there is danger of short life or one broken by spells of illness or much misfortune.
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that an analysis of the meaning of every factor in Astrology is dependent upon its relation to every other factor. For instance, the Sun in each sign has a certain definite influence which it invariably exerts, but that influence, thus exerted, is combined with every other influence of the Sun in its house position and in its aspects, as well as in reference to the ascending sign and other planetary positions and aspects. Thus, it is from the sum of the forces and not from each one of them separately judged, that an analysis is made.
The reader should remember, therefore, that to read the analysis of the Sun in the signs as it follows, as an analysis verbatim of the solar position in a nativity, to read it except as one of the forces of a nativity to be united, accentuated or modified by the other factors involved, is not scientific astrology and will not give a true interpretation. The statements true in themselves, must be united intellectually, in each particular nativity, with other particular factors of that nativity; and then, and only then, are the peculiarities of individual instances described.

Sun in Leo
The Sun in Leo is his greatest strength, for Leo is his own house and his influence is not even complicated by the exaltation of any other planet therein. We find here the most enormous vitality and strength of constitution. We have examples of this in such grand old men as Petrarch, who died at seventy, but whose life was full of vigor; Colonel Olcott who died at over eighty; Tennyson, at eighty-three; Cardinal Gibbons, at eighty-three, and Franz Josef of Austria, at eighty-six. Blavatsky died at sixty, but her Sun was in opposition to Jupiter and Uranus, while Cancer was rising, a sign not predisposing to longevity. Napoleon, too, died at the age of fifty-two, but this is hardly a case of natural death, since the indigestion indicated by the presence of Saturn in Cancer in opposition to the Moon was aggravated to malignant disease by the cruel regimen imposed upon him by his captors. Shelley also had a magnificent constitution and a vitality as superabundant as that of the great conqueror; his life, too, was cut short, by drowning - the manner being indicated by a conjunction of Mars and Neptune to the ruler of his 8th house, Jupiter.
People with the Sun in Leo are not only strong themselves, but shed forth this strength on others. It is emotionally the most magnetic of all the signs for the Sun; perhaps in consequence of this, the disposition is usually masterful and may possibly in some cases become almost tyrannical. There is immense generosity and nobility of feeling, but this again may sometimes degenerate into extravagance. The native is a tremendous worker, but anything in the nature of menial tasks revolts his soul, and while he is not ashamed to do anything of this kind when necessity calls or as an example to others, yet he will not do it as a matter of routine, while there is anyone else to do it for him. If he finds himself in a situation where people will not do for him what he thinks they ought to, he generally prefers to let the work go undone. The nature is excessively proud and incapable of meanness. Such persons must be trusted or they can do nothing. As long as they feel that they are in positions of authority and responsibility, they will kill themselves if necessary, in order to justify the confidence reposed in them. If forced into any other situation, they will despise their work and so neglect it.
The disposition of persons with the Sun in Leo is placable and not easily perturbed, but this advantage is gained by "preparedness." They give so forcibly the impression that they are ready for a fight that the peace is seldom in danger of being broken. When actually forced into combat, Leo people form the most determined opponents. They have taken to heart Shakespeare's advice:
"Beware of entrance to a quarrel, but, being in,
Bear't that the opposer may beware of thee."
Their only defect as fighters lies in their reckless courage. They expose themselves unnecessarily and they refuse to fight otherwise than fairly, however great may be the advantages offered. In victory they are magnanimous and in defeat unconquered.
People with this position of the Sun should always attend, as far as possible, to their own business, and not rely upon others to do it for them, or trust to correspondence (unless they happen to be born writers, because of good Mercury aspects) for their success depends almost entirely upon the magnetism of their personality. The ambition of these people is nearly always uncontrollable; however much they get, they will want far more, and this discontent may be the cause of much unhappiness. It is the mainspring of their success, but may also bring them to disaster, for they refuse to realize it when they come to a blank wall. They are consequently likely to waste their strength in attempting impossibilities. The same pride and masterfulness of which mention has been made makes it impossible to coerce the native, but he responds with extreme readiness to the slightest appeal to his better feelings, and he will often injure himself seriously rather than give anyone the chance of thinking that he has acted meanly, although such thought may be utterly unjust.
Leo rules the heart. The Sun in this position is very strong; it is because of his great power that the vitality is usually so tremendous, but when at the last, Apollo, lord of life and death, turns from the one to the other, it is at the heart that he will strike. Death is likely to come suddenly by some kind of stroke or by syncope. Where the Sun is over-excited by Mars, especially by squares and conjunctions, the tendency to diseases of the heart is greatly increased and may occur comparatively early in life. It may also lead to death in infancy through convulsions.

Sun in the Eighth House
The partner becomes rich by the exercise of his or her talents; steady fortunes after marriage; chance of fame or honors at death. The skeleton may place the laurels on the native's brow. Danger of death in middle life.

The Moon has to do largely with personality, just as the Sun has to do with individuality. The sign in which the Moon is placed describes the type of the personality, showing its variety and quality just as the Sun shows the type and quality of the individuality. As the personality is the intimate and more immediate expression of the temperament and measures the quality and power of sense impression, and therefore the scope and precision of the mental forces, it indirectly determines what we might call the fluid of being. Moreover, as both mental and emotional forces depend first upon sense impression, and since personality is that singular union of the mental and the emotional, it follows that the Moon's position is the focal point wherein sense, mind, and emotion meet in the formation of character.
The Moon largely determines the kind of life and activity with which the average human being meets life day by day.

Moon in Pisces
The Moon and Pisces are peculiarly sympathetic. Taken by itself, there is great danger that the person with this position may receive totally false impressions through the senses. There is an excessive tendency to optimism and romanticism; Don Quixote must have had the Moon in Pisces. Among real people we find it in the horoscopes of Shelley, Goethe, Petrarch, and Stevenson. This position accounts for their extraordinary refusal to accept things as they are. The outside world came to them through such colored glasses that everything appeared bathed in a luminous mist.
The reader will note, however, that, of these persons, Goethe alone had also the scientific attitude, the sense of realism; and Goethe's greatness really consists in his ability to blend these totally opposite qualities of the mind. The explanation is that, in his case, Saturn was square to Uranus, the latter planet being in the third house; a square of Saturn and Mercury would have done equally well. But unless there be some such compensation, we do not find any power of realizing the facts of life with accuracy. The skeptical quality is absent. Cardinal Gibbons, for example, could not entertain any objection to his faith. Mabel Collins, similarly accepting the main theory of her theosophical faith, weaves happy dreams. She has the Moon joined to Neptune in Pisces and Saturn conjoins Uranus in placid Taurus in the seventh house. We do not find in her any philosophical interest in its tenets.
Similarly, people like Hans Knappertsbusch and Rosa Bonheur take the masterpieces of great artists - in the one case Wagner, in the other the creator of that horse "whose neck God clothed with thunder" - and interpret them very nicely, very correctly, but with absolute lack of any analytical or critical faculty. The great artist is always a great realist, however romantic he may be, and however idealistic, for beauty is but the garment of truth; and if there is no truth behind apparent beauty, be sure that your eyes have once more deceived you. Now, the tendency of Pisces is always to present things in symbolic form. The veil between the gross and the subtle world is but a spider's web, so far as Pisces is concerned. This is what makes the sign so astoundingly psychic.
A great deal will depend upon the dignity of the Moon. If she has such good aspects as Mars trine or sextile to make her active, or if a favorable ray from Uranus or the Sun fall upon her, then she gives true vision. If she is afflicted, especially by Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Mars, or Jupiter, she is likely to bring the most diseased fancies to birth and to harbor the grossest illusions. In fact Pisces may be either the best or the worst of all the places of the Moon, but, in view of what we have said, it appears that the tendency to illusion is so strong that, taken by itself, the position is not a good one in a world where capacity to look facts in the face is the principal asset of the masters of life. People can get into far more trouble through believing the best about everything than through believing the worst. A pleasant surprise can do no harm; an unpleasant one may upset one completely.
One of the most dangerous features of this position of the Moon is that the need to see everything through rose-tinted spectacles often drives the native to indulgence in drink or drugs, which temporarily renews the illusion that everything is beautiful. Any aspect of Neptune to the Moon will naturally accentuate this tendency. It must never be forgotten how closely allied are the temperamental qualities of Neptune and Pisces.
Women with the Moon in this sign fill the above description even more closely than do men. It makes their romanticism and, to a certain extent, their other-worldliness, extraordinarily strong. Sometimes, like Lillie Langtry, they are able to turn these qualities to great advantage. In her case, though Neptune was in conjunction with the Moon, the sextile of Uranus and the square of Saturn gave her balance. Without these aspects, she might have been so self-sacrificing, generous, and passive, that she would have been the prey of every unscrupulous person with whom she came in touch.
The women with whom the native is closely associated will be, as a rule, highly emotional, extremely unselfish, romantic, voluptuous, passionate, and sometimes dreamy. They take love to the highest planes and have the power of making themselves appear of extravagant value in the eyes of the native. In the case of a man they will thus enable him to gain pleasure and happiness from their affection, but as a general rule, they will not be of much help to him in his career. In a general way, the woman devotes herself to the man so completely that she has little care for anything in the world but his devotion. She may be, however, extremely useful to him by romantically inspiring him and making him happy.
Mothers having children who have the Moon in Pisces must avoid being so unselfish and "soft" in their attitude toward them as to unconsciously develop their weakest points and to undermine their character and their will-power.

Moon in the Third House
Constant journeys; publicity of some sort; many changes of pursuit and occupation; curious and capricious fancies; unstable mind.

Mercury is the most truly sensitive of all the planets. Venus and the Moon are more easily affected, it is true, but for them a better term is "impressionable." Mercury is the adolescent; he responds to every impression like the weather-vane, which is a very different thing from the reception and reflection of every impression. In slightly different language, Mercury is not modified by the signs as are the more passive planets; rather each excites him to give a special expression of opinion. Mercury is, as we know, the mind; and while the contents of the mind are determined by the food of the mind, yet different minds deal quite differently with identical foods. It has been said that thousands of people before Newton saw apples fall from trees, but their only impulse was to eat them.
The proper and best influence upon Mercury is Saturn, and without his steadying hand to hold him in tutorship to a profounder wisdom, Mercury may be frivolous and vain. It is only when Mercury is overpowered by Venus that the mental qualities become subservient and slavish, so that one may say of the native "he has no mind of his own." There is, however, always the safeguard of the proximity of the Sun, especially when the conjunction is not too close.

Mercury in Leo
The steady glow of Leo has an altogether admirable effect on the shy, silvery Mercury. As "the adolescent" among the planets, the solar influence is just what he needs "to make a man of him." In other language, it may be said that this position adds heart to brain; and brain without heart is the essence of all mischief -- the intellectuality of Mephistopheles. There are, of course, certain dangers, notably a tendency to pride and anger, sometimes to bombast and boastfulness. Ambition, too, is a common quality; but ambition is a virtue unless it is ill-regulated. Since the Sun is more frequently than not in the same sign as Mercury, in this particular case it follows that, as lord of Leo, he is generally stronger than his satellite, and this tends still further to steady him.
Taking a comprehensive view, one may affirm that this is one of the best possible positions for Mercury. As we have noticed in dealing with other planets, it is not always well for them to be too strongly reinforced in their own essential qualities. Mercury in mercurial signs may prove too mercurial, just as Mars in martial signs is often over-martial. Every planet needs balance, and the lesser planets need it more than the greater. Accordingly, we discover this position of Mercury in the nativities of some of the greatest of mankind. Who more admirably illustrates greatness of heart and brain than Cardinal Gibbons, in our own times? Or if we must choose a rival, in these qualities, what of Cecil Rhodes? Looking backward we have yet greater names and in each case we shall note this remarkable balancing of the highest intelligence by the human touch, this harmonious union of the perceptive and the emotional qualities. This it is that colored the intellectuality of Petrarch with the ray of love. Here, too, must we look for the condition that brought the genius of Goethe and of Napoleon into sympathetic touch with their lesser fellows; and it is this same tempering of perspicacity with the "human element" that made Lord Northcliffe the greatest journalist of his period in England.
Virgo may lend Mercury more acuteness, Aquarius more lofty passion; but Leo is the fitting place for the mental ruler of the "man of the people."

Mercury in the Eighth House
Inconstant fortunes; troubles of a minor character in financial affairs after marriage.

It may, on first consideration, appear somewhat difficult to differentiate between the action of Venus, the "Lesser Fortune," and that of Jupiter, the "Greater Fortune." Both represent the expansive and altruistic spirit. But Venus is the handmaiden of the Sun and she is consequently attached to the vital force, even as Jupiter is more closely an emanation of Neptune, the other extreme of the system, the Soul. The altruism of Venus, therefore, means love in a quite conventional and often selfish or personal sense; her expansiveness is often mere amiability, possibly assumed in order to gain some end associated with the instinct of self-preservation; and, finally, Venus is altogether more material and, so to speak, fleshy, than Jupiter. Venus in any sign has so much connotation or reference that it is very necessary to take into consideration not only the sign in which it is placed, but also its aspects to other planets before judging of its effects. But the importance of the impact of the different signs is very great. In fact, the more material a planet is, the more easily it is influenced. We see no such violent commotion in the vaster planets; Uranus in Aries is not so different from Uranus in Libra, but Venus in Gemini is utterly different from Venus in Scorpio.
In dealing with Venus on the lines hitherto followed with the other planets, we are confronted with a difficulty peculiar to the nature of her own influence. It is easy to observe most of the effects of other planets in the life, character, and work of great men, but we know little of the inner details of their domestic and intimate relations.
Alexander the Great may have beaten his wife, and Cromwell may have been a very clever and tactful father, but in the majority of those examples which have hitherto served us so well, we know little or nothing of the private life. And it is essentially, and first of all, the private life that Venus influences. The reader must, therefore, be content to rely, to a certain extent, upon the authority of the author regarding the influence of Venus.

Venus in Leo
Leo is by far the noblest of the signs and brings out the best qualities of Venus. Venus in Leo is not so passionate as in Aries, but she is loyal and warm-hearted. She becomes capable even of that highest virtue of self-sacrifice without which all is in vain. She becomes that Charity of which the apostle Paul waxed eloquent. This, however, depends as usual upon aspects; an attack of Saturn (for example) may undo all the good and transform it into evil; yet this is not so easily accomplished as when she is in a more passive and sensitive sign. However fallen, she always retains some memory of her ancient dignity.
Thus we find many of the greatest-hearted people born with this position. In recent times we have Colonel Olcott, one of the kindest-hearted men that ever lived, Tolstoi, George Sand, and Maurice Maeterlinck. One will note the flavor of humanitarianism in its best sense in all these.
It is to be observed, with some care, that three of the most popular British statesmen of the generation just passed - Balfour, Chamberlain, and Asquith, all have this position. They were of very different types, yet all acquired popularity in a way that hardly any others have done. Their positive qualities are in each case ill-fitted to inspire affection; it is something deeper in their natures which has attracted the love of their fellow countrymen.
In the middle ages, who stands more for the ripe, kindly spirit of generous love than Cornelius Agrippa? It is not openly apparent in his writing, but it gilds the whole.
The same remark, with necessary modification, applies to Bernard Shaw. Venus in Leo is not self-assertive and blatant; it lurks hidden, its abiding glow warming the hands of life, but never scorching them.
There is no better position for Venus to attract warm feeling on the part of others; even where respect is not given to the native, he yet acquires sympathy and kindly consideration, because he is such a good fellow. The geniality of former President Taft was very characteristic. His bitterest political opponents never said a word against him personally. Another very good example is Irvin Cobb; Venus in Leo is very well characterized by his kindly, humanitarian humor and also by his personal characteristics. In a wider way, a more serious way, we see the same quality in pacifist Jane Addams; and the graciousness and good feeling of Dr. Felix Adler are almost equally well known.
To return to the by-paths of history, we may cite the great-hearted and magnanimous Garibaldi, as illustrative of this position, while its nobility and good-feeling were also very clearly manifest in the character of Cardinal Richelieu. Curiously enough, his successor, Mazarin, has the same position, but in Mazarin, these qualities were by no means strongly marked. A glance at his nativity explains why - Mercury is in conjunction with Venus, masking her warmth by his rational and calculating acumen, and she is seriously afflicted by a square of Uranus on the one side, and of Saturn on the other. The position of Saturn, which dominates the horoscope from the Midheaven, emphasizes the selfishness of the native, and Uranus, being in bad aspect to Venus, hinders the emancipation and breadth which a friendly aspect might have restored to her. These aspects might not have been sufficient to destroy her influence, had not Saturn been so extremely powerful in the horoscope. Not only is he in the Midheaven, but Lord of the Ascendant. Saturn is, therefore, the key of the complex, and is sufficiently powerful to out-weigh the influence of Leo upon Venus.
Nature presents itself to people with Venus in Leo as primarily an emotional phenomenon. There is not the materialism which we found in Taurus or the intellectualism given by her presence in Gemini. The native may acquiesce in the dictum of Schopenhauer, that the world is a reflection of will and that both the material and mental aspects of it are subsidiary.

Venus in the Eighth House
Gain by marriage; chance of favors from deceased women. The partner will be fond of pleasures, jewels, and pretty things, and will spend money thereon; but success in finance comes after marriage.

Mars represents the muscular system; it is often found that a weak brain goes with great development of physical strength, and vice versa. It might even occur that the whole of the higher faculties might be harmonious and strong, yet fail to make good, owing to the lack of practical energy, boldness, and capacity for rather brutal work. The material plane continually presents obstacles to the higher nature; Mars is the force which pushes such obstacles aside, or demolishes them.
His external influence upon the man as distinguished from his internal influence within the character, is that of excitement, inflammation, violence, and accident. Thus a square of Mars to the Sun might give a rugged constitution and dauntless energy, and at the same time subject the native to fevers and accidents from fire or steel.
The power of Mars will, of course, as before, be modified by his position in the Zodiac, and, owing to his material and therefore easily-molded nature, the variations will be, on the whole, more extreme than we have found to be the case with planets of greater spirituality.
Yet so great is his importance, that a badly afflicted Mars practically inhibits the native from making wise use of his enormous energy. It is a curious and somewhat paradoxical situation, and the student cannot pay too much attention to its study.

Mars in Scorpio
Although Mars is in his own house, he cannot be called strong for good. We have noticed that Aries did not bring out the highest qualities of Mars; Scorpio brings out his worst. Mars is the most unbalanced of the planets; the one most in need of restriction or direction. Almost any influence but his own touches his fire to rationality, generosity, or grace. But Scorpio, while in some ways the most powerful of the signs, may be described as snake-tempered; and in it he easily becomes bloodthirsty. It is even amusing to note how one of the gentlest spirits that ever dwelt within the human form, Robert Louis Stevenson, is often in method outrageous almost beyond the "penny dreadful." In "Treasure Island," cold-blooded murderers tumble over each other's heels, in circumstances of unparalleled atrocity. Who, without the help of Mars in Scorpio, could have invented Long John Silver, hopping after his comrade and braining him with his crutch, or the attempt, in "The Ebb-Tide," of Hurst to throw vitriol over Atwater, and the breaking of the bottle in his hand by the ready rifle of the pearler?
There can be a complete lack of adaptability in this position of Mars; it is sometimes replaced by treacherous cunning; but, as a general rule, the method of the native tends to be brute force. The anarchist Vaillant may be cited as an illustration. Such extreme cases are fortunately rare and imply bad aspects. In this particular instance, Mars has the sextiles of Jupiter and Saturn, which make him effective, but his quality is deteriorated by the square of Venus. Stalin has Pluto opposing his Mars; made effective by a trine from Saturn. The violence of Mrs. Pankhurst, again, is undoubtedly due to this position, for Mars is not otherwise afflicted. On the contrary, he is helped by a sextile of the Moon and trines of Neptune and the Sun. Her undoubted nobility of character and the altruism of her violent action indicate the vision conferred by the trines of Neptune and the Sun which the sextile of the Moon directs toward the masses of women. Miss Frances E. Willard may be advantageously compared with Mrs. Pankhurst. Mercury is sextile to Mars, Jupiter semi-sextile; and the complex is important, Sagittarius being the rising sign and Mars only six degrees above the Eastern Horizon. Hers is a far more rational and effective method than that of the later suffragist. Mme. Patti has Mars trined by Uranus, and squared by the Sun and Neptune in conjunction, which appears an extremely advantageous disposition. Medical lexicographer Sir Richard Quain has both Mercury and the Sun, Lord of the Ascendant, in conjunction with Mars, and Venus is semi-sextile. These aspects go far to minimize the effect of Scorpio.
Psychologist Roberto Assagioli has his Scorpio Mars square to both Venus and Saturn, plus a wide sextile to the Moon; Mars aspecting these planets added energy to his knowledge of relationships and the feeling self. The Mars of singing tenor Enrico Caruso is trine to a conjunction of Mercury with the Sun. The Mars of Gandhi is part of a powerful complex - conjunct peaceful Venus, but opposing Jupiter and Pluto and square to the Moon; his Mars also contacts a close square between outer planets Uranus and Neptune; Scorpio can give the strength to master these transcendent energies. Joseph P. Kennedy was born with Mars conjunct Jupiter and sextile to Mercury and Venus - all fortunate aspects. Lawrence of Arabia had his Mars square a conjunction of Mercury-Saturn in Leo, adding energy to the mental and linguistic faculty plus rugged endurance, but not promising happiness. Albert Schweitzer was born with Scorpio Mars exactly squaring an exact opposition of Saturn in Aquarius to Uranus in Leo, where Uranus is high in the tenth house; Schweitzer devoted his life to humanitarian service. The Scorpio Mars of George Washington is strong by position, angular on the Descendant, but the only aspects to be found are to its higher octave, Pluto. Mars and Pluto co-rule Scorpio - the Mars influence, with its tendency towards manifestation on the bodily plane, will be stronger among less evolved natives.
Henry VI of England is an example of the unfortunate influence which this sign exerts on Mars. He has the softening trine of Neptune exact, and only the slight help of a semi-sextile of the Sun.

Mars in the Twelfth House
Danger of violence from enemies in ambush; effusion of blood caused by kicks or thrusts from animals; escape from bondage or restraint; pains in the extremities. Sickness of an inflammatory nature occurs to the partner.

Jupiter, in a general classification, may be said to be the precise contrary of Saturn. The latter constricts and conserves; the former expands and spends. The one is egoism; the other altruism. In religious symbolism Saturn is Jehovah - "I am that I am" - which is only a theocratic way of saying "everything for myself." Jupiter is the divine Son, Jesus - the benevolently spendthrift heir - who gives his very life for others. Jupiter is the instinct of creation, of generosity and hospitality, and of the religious emotions generally; and, of course, in so far as the man is passive to Jupiter, he represents these qualities in the cosmos bestowed upon the man, and hence "Good fortune." Naturally, his action depends, with regard to its scope, upon Neptune and Uranus. Unless these planets, signifying respectively the soul and the divine will, indicate bigness in the career, a good Jupiter will be no more than a luck-bringer in business or profession, and make the character noble, generous, and easy-going; and a weak Jupiter will only defeat advancement in life, and tend to enfeeble the character by making it spendthrift, luxurious, and unable to resist the influence of others.
We have intimated above through what channels Jupiter comes to express his creative and generous tendencies in material prosperity; but another point which should be emphasized in this regard is that Jupiter represents to a very great extent the ambition of the native. The force, quality, and degree of success of this ambition will be indicated by the strength and position of the planet, and the direction or channel through which this ambition may work out its best prosperity will be shown by the sign which Jupiter occupies, modified of course by other contributory conditions.
In the days when a man was either a lord or a serf, a knight or an innkeeper, it was comparatively easy to determine with exactness a man's vocation. In modern days, however, there are thousands of different and characteristic types of employment. While Jupiter is the key to the type of work which may bring a man money or profit, it does not necessarily follow that it is the kind of vocation for which he has the greatest inclination. Too often, indeed, his inclination is not that for which he is best adapted, or it is incompatible with his environment and education. On the other hand, an accurate observer may often see a person with distinct abilities for a certain type of work, and yet he recognizes that, for some other reason, he had an inability to make a success of that work.

Jupiter in Virgo
In Virgo, Jupiter is in detriment, as this sign tends to bring out his duller and more earthly qualities. We, therefore, shall not expect to find here much expansion or altruism or even strong religious feeling. Petrarch may immediately strike the casual observer as an apparent exception to this rule, but he has Jupiter wonderfully developed by a sextile from Neptune, and a semi-sextile of the Sun and Mercury on one side and Saturn on the other, plus the Moon in Pisces closely opposes Jupiter. A more typical example, therefore, is Paul Kruger whose Jupiter has Mars in conjunction, Neptune in trine, and Venus only five degrees from exact conjunction. In this powerful complex, however, Mars, lord of the Ascendant, is the key, and Jupiter merely adds good fortune to Mars. Thus, while the religious and humanitarian nature was extremely strong, it remained strictly subservient to more important material forces.
The anarchist Vaillant had Saturn in conjunction with Jupiter, chilling him, Mercury square and Neptune in opposition, rendering his movements eccentric; Mars is sextile, denoting activity; hence the strong-headedness and strong-handedness of his essentially humanitarian impulses. Lord Brougham, cold-blooded lawyer, also has Jupiter in Virgo. The square of Uranus weakens the benignancy of Jupiter, while the sextile to a conjunction of Venus with Saturn constricts it into prudence; there is nothing to expand or fortify its benevolent impulses. The Jupiter of Bulwer-Lytton, on the other hand, has a sextile of Neptune, lending a mystical tendency, though not a very powerful or precise one, to the religious element, which is also made rather superficial by a square of Mercury. But Jupiter is strengthened by Saturn applying to a conjunction within twelve degrees; and, as Saturn is with Jupiter in the third house, his influences tinge the whole mind. Jupiter also forms a sextile to the Moon, rising on the Cancer Ascendant, which body is the key to the life of this novelist, historical writer, and politician.
Albrecht Dürer, saturnine though the austerity of his mind declares him, has yet a deep reverence. A conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Gemini squares Jupiter, and Uranus is semi-sextile, which increases the sociability and attraction to exotic technical matters. The Virgo influence, however, leaves some coldness. Sir Humphrey Davy, with Neptune in conjunction with Jupiter, Venus trine and Saturn sextile, is genuinely religious. Having taken laughing gas as an experiment, he came back from unconsciousness exclaiming "Nothing exists but thoughts." The greatest saint in his highest trance could hardly have known much more. It is a striking example of a truly religious subconsciousness, in one whose conscious mind was preoccupied with the affairs of exact science.
Alexandre Dumas has Jupiter conjoined with Venus and Saturn, semi-square to Mercury and opposing Pluto. From these influences comes the jovial raciness of his famous stories. Guy de Maupassant, hostile to religion his whole life, has Jupiter rising, in conjunction with Venus and Mars and with no help from Saturn, which is 150 degrees away (inconjunct); he is completely obsessed by this pair of passionate planets; and so we regretfully observe this brilliant author the slave of passions which ultimately slew him.
The materialistic qualities of Jupiter in Virgo tend to permeate the higher side of the mind in all directions, and the native is practical, analytical, and skeptical to the point of requiring proofs. Naturally, this position gives marked ability for scientific research, and generally for teaching and for service to others. It also, as in Taurus, gives great constructive power which may manifest itself in success in manufacturing, building, agriculture, or even in literature, according to the bent of the mentality.
Those born with Jupiter in Virgo are exceedingly systematic; and, when they have this position, can carry on, with great force and precision, any phase of routine task which requires detail and persistence. They have pronounced technical command. They have two fields of activity open to them. Some of our most successful literary men, accountants, secretaries and teachers, as well as successful manufacturers, builders, miners, foresters, biologists and agriculturists were born with Jupiter in this sign.
Women having Jupiter in Virgo are successful in business life, or as librarians, private secretaries, teachers or in any position where practical, analytical, critical or constructive faculties are required.
The natural tendency to be constructive makes both men and women judicious in the expenditure of money, regardless of the income, and gives them a dislike for undue extravagance or waste. They make wise buyers.
They would do well to consider, as investments, real estate, mining property, manufacturing enterprises, or mortgages.

Jupiter in the Ninth House
Clerical honors; success in religious and philosophical pursuits, legal matters, and foreign affairs; gain in foreign lands.

Saturn, in a general classification, may be said to be the precise contrary of Jupiter. Where the latter expands and spends; the former constricts and conserves. Where Jupiter is bold and extravagant, Saturn is cautious and ascetic. Responsible Saturn acts to protect the interests of self, family, society, and the world from harm. Where Jupiter boldly seeks and grows with experience, Saturn has the wisdom of having learned from experience. But the wisdom and knowledge of Saturn relate to the material world, to the world of conditions, consequences, and rules. Saturn can be ambitious, controlling, and egoistic. Saturn protects the self against hurt by judging according to lower-mind polarities, such as smart versus stupid or winner versus loser. The function of the outer planets, which represent the higher mind, is to rebel against the limitations of the lower mind, providing opportunities for freedom from the tyranny of the everyday world's rules, conditions, polarities, and judgments.
Man may be master of life and of death - if he will. To the worker in the fields of the intelligence, the farmer of mind, the harvest grows continually. Saturn is once again the golden god. The brain of the brain worker improves constantly until the age of sixty, and even then retains its vigor until the end. Such old men we often see. Instead of the vices and infirmities of age, they have consolidated virtues, conserved strength. Dignity and austerity crown and cloak them. They are simple, strenuous and lofty-minded. Even if they are of solitary habit, they are kind. The purpose of their lives has crystallized; and, because they have desired only the infinite, satiety does not touch them. Life is to them a religion of which they are the priests, an eternal sacrament of which perhaps the ecstasy is dulled, but which they consume with ever-increasing reverence. Joy and sorrow have been balanced, and the tale thereof is holy calm. They know that peace of God which passeth all understanding.
The commoner aspect of Saturn, however, is this: the malicious oldster, envious of youth, hating life because he has failed to live it according to the law of righteousness. His will-power is merely obstinacy, opposition to reform, failure to accommodate himself to changed conditions, the conservatism of the hardened brain. He feels his waning powers and tries to receive - to receive, when all his sensibility is gone! Feeling himself impotent, he vents his toothless rage upon the young. Unhappy himself, he seeks to make others wretched. Sordid and heartless, he sneers at enthusiasm and generosity. Weary of life, he thinks life holds no joy.
Saturn represents what one does in the world, one's career, and life's lessons. Look to the planets that form aspects to Saturn for a guide to the activities that will mainly occupy the native's life. Conjunction, sextile, and trine aspects represent activities that will come easily to the native. The best of all of Saturn's dignities is illumination by the Sun. Square, inconjunct, and opposition aspects represent lessons that need to be learned or areas where the native feels blocked and must fight. When Saturn has favorable aspects, the native tends to receive the benefit; when it has unfavorable aspects, then Saturn tends to act as a blocking agent.

Saturn in Sagittarius
There is in nature perhaps little harmony between Saturn and Sagittarius. Saturn is slow and heavy, Sagittarius swift and transient; the sign is one of many-colored light; the planet as dull as lead. But Jupiter is Lord of Sagittarius, and, just as in the Roman mythology the heir of the elder god overthrew his father, the impulses of the active and spendthrift planet accelerate the slowness and loosen the selfishness of the greater orb when he enters his house, so that Saturn's normal quality in this position is a thrifty disposition not at all incompatible with real altruism.
An excellent example of a strongly spiritualized Saturn is given by Abraham Lincoln. Located in the ninth house, he has only passed four degrees past the Midheaven, to which Neptune is conjunct with him; Venus is trine and Mercury in Pisces is square to both Saturn and Neptune. It is easy to see the effect of these aspects upon the wisdom of the martyr-president. Sagittarius prepares Saturn to open more responsively to the illumination of Neptune and the warmth of Venus. The altruism is therefore very spontaneous and yet well restrained by great practicality. Mercury shows excellently the influences of both Saturn and Neptune, in the restricting delays and obstacles to early education and the sensitiveness of the mind, which explains the unfaltering devotion to an ideal. Altogether the figure is one of great faith fortified by far-seeing wisdom.
In the case of Emile Zola, Saturn in Sagittarius in the first house is trined by Mercury, Mars, Pluto, and the Moon in Aries and squared by Uranus in Pisces. The deep insight into human nature, which wrought itself into a philosophy of life expressed in the forty or more volumes of novels, short stories and essays, is amply accounted for by the Saturnian aspects of these four planets. That altruism, of the most courageous and uncompromising kind, was an essential part of his character was proved by his action in the Dreyfus case; that it manifested itself to the world at so late a period in his life may have been due to the fact that his Saturn was retrograding.
An example of great and shining activity of the preservation energy of Saturn is shown in the horoscope of Gladstone. Neptune and Venus excite the former by conjunction, Pluto is square, and Jupiter supports the combination by a trine. Here, then, we have a complete harmony of Jupiter and Saturn, which also steadies and strengthens against the weakening indicated by the conjunction, the softness of which merely adds grace and originality to the character.
Thomas Hardy's insight into human nature, which is not dissimilar to that of Zola, apparently comes from the same aspects of Saturn square Uranus and trine Pluto. But Saturn is in opposition to the Sun and has no help beyond a sextile of Neptune, which is rather a disadvantage in this regard. The nature is retiring and modest; the ambition is not aggressive; a novelist with a tenth of his talent, and more push, might have gained a far greater popular reputation.
Tchaikovsky, born in the same season as Zola and Hardy, has an excellent Saturn. Uranus is square, Pluto, Mercury, and Venus trine, and Neptune sextile. The wonderful comprehension with which he has expressed the mingled fire and melancholy of the Slavonic race is described by these aspects, especially the square of Uranus and the sextile of Neptune. A square from Jupiter magnifies Neptune. The relief from the domestic difficulties of his early life and the subsequent freedom which enabled him to devote himself to his work come through the strength of his Saturn; and his success, creating masterpieces in every branch of Music, is due to the same cause. The versatility is of course indicated by the aspect with Mercury in Aries.
Madame Steinheil furnished perhaps the most convincing example of all these characters. Her Saturn in the Midheaven, opposing the Moon, is trined by Mercury, Neptune, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter, and Mars is in exact trine on the other side. Even Uranus and Pluto form a tight Yod focused on Saturn. Here then is a case where the whole cohort of heaven (one may say) concentrate upon Saturn to make him swift, subtle, active, even vehement. It is a marvelous example for successful self-seeking. Even the opposition of the Moon, which pulled her down from high eminence and placed her life in jeopardy, could not compass her entire defeat against such fortified power.
In its more material significance, Sagittarius being the natural sign to occupy the ninth house, Saturn's influence in that sign tends to give prominence and power through activity in the religious or legal world; under good aspects this activity should bring prosperity. Philosophy, science, voyaging or shipping may afford scope for the influence, according to the native's station in life, with corresponding results depending upon the nature of Saturn's aspects.

Saturn in the First House
Melancholy mind, solitary habits; shy, nervous manners; subjects the native to colds; causes bruises to the head; an uphill struggle; patient disposition.

As the race evolves, it seems that man must learn to adapt himself more and more to the vibrations of Uranus and its powerful influx, which appear to be growing more and more potent in the unfolding of genius, or the transcending of intellect. Through the harmonious vibrations of Uranus, it is found that people become prophetic, keen, perceptive, executive, inventive, original, given to roaming, untrammeled by tradition, impatient of creeds, opinionated, argumentative, stubborn, and eccentric. They speak to the point; asserting, with startling confidence, opinions far in advance of their fellows. They come into possession of wealth in unexpected and strange ways, yet often appear to pass under the yoke of discipline as though cast down for a purpose from opulence to poverty, only to rise again by the unfolding of unexpected resources. Always ahead of their time, the natives of Uranus are often dreamers in philanthropy; poetic, though their writings need interpretation and are often unintelligible even to the imaginative, because of their mystical origin and transcendental coloring.
In the few years during which Uranus has been under observation, it has been found that, if afflicted, it is the source of incurable organic diseases, collapse of fortune, and individual as well as national destruction. It is demonstrable that, in inharmonious nativities, evil Uranian influences, both through transits and directions, have brought about headlong destruction from bad habits, misdirected affection, illicit connections before or after legal marriage; according to the signification of the place of radical affliction in the horoscope.
Every psychic thus far studied by the writer has been found, by careful consideration of the authentic birth data, to be under powerful Uranian influence; and to this vibration may be attributed clairvoyance, warning dreams, second-sight, clairaudience and similar phenomena.
The occupations or avocations which seem in sympathy with this strange planet are progressive, inventive, exploring, and of a humanitarian nature. The influence of Uranus is the least personal, and the most universal in the Zodiac; consequently, any endeavor for the betterment of humanity is favored by those who are strongly responsive to its vibration.
Uranus produces lecturers, public figures, travelers, inventors, aviators, radio operators, astrologers, electricians, scientists, physiologists, mesmerists, metaphysicians.
Uranus makes one impulsive and extremely eccentric; the native does not know his own mind, but is continually moved by providential agencies; he often becomes a fatalist, feeling that his destiny is beyond his own control.
Uranus emphasizes the will, causing the native to move spontaneously from an inner urge; the native is active, original, inventive, and is notable for his love of liberty and an idealistic sense of justice. The planet bestows leadership and causes the native to become a pioneer and to establish new orders of things.
Uranus makes the mind independent, original, and not amenable to control. The native is unconventional, altruistic and subject to sudden changes of attitude. There is an uncanny ability to sense motives.
Circumstances induced by Uranus are sudden changes, estrangements, exiles, blind impulses, catastrophes, suicides, romantic tragedies, inexplicable changes of fortune, accidents, secret enemies, plottings, and sudden elevations.
Every living soul is presumed to have a purpose, and that purpose single. Not one in a million, perhaps, is conscious of that purpose; we seem for the most part to be a mass of vacillations. Even the main objective career of an individual cannot be considered as necessarily an expression of the interior will.
But Uranus indicates divine will; and the reason why he is so explosive and violent and upsetting to human affairs is that he represents the real intention, which, lying deeper than the conscious purpose, often contradicts it. The outer and the inner are then in conflict; and whenever battle is joined, the inner must win. To the outer consciousness, this naturally appears as disaster; for the native does not recognize the force as part of himself, or, if so, he regards it as a disturbing entity, and resents its dominion. Uranus is, in Egyptian symbolism, the Royal Uraeus Serpent; slow, yet sudden, Lord of life and death. It takes a great deal to move him; but, when once in motion, he is irresistible. This is why, to the normal mind, he appears so terrible.
As has been seen, the deep-lying interior purpose of any being is nearly always obscure and undecipherable to the mortal eye; but there is an indication or hieroglyph of it which is usually very significant. One can hardly call it more than the artistic expression of the purpose, and this appears a very good way to describe it. We call it the Temperament. It does not define the Will itself, but it sets limits to the sphere wherein the Will may work.
We have already found that the personality is imaged in the sign on the Ascendant; and from this we now turn to a consideration of the sign in which Uranus may be situated. Where these two factors are harmonious, we get a character with unity of moral purpose; where otherwise, a self-tortured waverer. It might be cited as an objection that those who have Uranus in the Ascendant are usually eccentric characters; but the argument is on the other side. Such eccentricity is temperament in its highest development; it shows the entire over-ruling of the superficial qualities by this deep-seated, turbulent, magical will. It is only to others that the person with Uranus rising appears so eccentric.

Uranus in Aries
Uranus in Aries gives a character intrepid, dauntless, fiery and indomitable, whether for good or evil.
Flaming, headstrong, hot-tempered, impetuous, self-willed, and obstinate is the type; but sometimes the native will make a sudden and complete turn-about-face, and pursue a new and contradictory course with the same energy as he did the former. Nor, as a rule, will he be capable of seeing that he has changed in any respect. There is nothing particularly constructive in this type of energy. A strong example of this temperament is found in Mrs. Annie Besant, Aries being the rising sign. In Pope Alexander VI, the same qualities are apparent; but here Capricorn and Saturn are rising; and, although Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and so not inharmonious with the Aries temperament, yet a Saturnian element is super-added with the most unfortunate results. Here Saturn conjoins the Sun and both are square to Mars oppose Uranus.
People with Uranus in Aries are always so firmly convinced they are right that opposition to their wishes appears to them as something positively unjustifiable, and they are therefore entirely unscrupulous in crushing such opposition. Sometimes this masterful quality is confined to legitimate lines, as in the case of Edison. Scorpio is rising, and its Lord, Mars, which sits on the cusp of the money house, is conjunct the Moon, representing the public. As an independent newspaper boy, young Edison learned what interested the public and innovated ways to make money; he would go on to earn much money from the 1093 valuable inventions that he patented. Pluto and Neptune are strong and add to Edison's inventiveness.
Contrast with Edison's Uranus the case of the Earl of Strafford (Thomas Wentworth), and Cromwell, who both had Uranus in Aries. It will also be instructive to compare them with each other. Each had an iron will, an unscrupulous determination to have his own way at any cost; but Strafford has Virgo rising. He prepared a plan for dealing with Ireland called "thorough," which was effectively to legalize massacre; but there is no passion in Virgo to cooperate with such violence, and Strafford was not strong enough to carry the plan out; he hung fire. Cromwell, with Aries rising, went through Ireland like a new Attila.
Anna Kingsford had Uranus in Aries; with Aquarius rising it is the ruler of the chart. Uranus gets more favorable aspects than any other planet - receiving trines from the Leo Moon and Midheaven, sextiles from Jupiter and the Ascendant, and an exact biquintile from Mercury. A close conjunction from Mars strengthens the Virgo Sun. Here we find, then, a great example of the driving force of these configurations - Anna Kingsford, despite all disqualifications, disposed of an initiating force sufficient to arouse the thought of half the world. It is her work which made the growth of Theosophy and its analogous cults at all possible. She was, doubtless, the head of the battering-ram that broke in the gates of the materialistic philosophy of the Victorian Age.
Robert Louis Stevenson has the last degrees of Aquarius rising, but Pisces is intercepted in the Ascendant, and Uranus in the first degrees of Aries is just within it. There is no great natural harmony between Aries and Aquarius, but their presence together in the first house creates harmony. So we find Stevenson, despite the most distressing ill-health, producing masterpieces. Astrologic students of literature may attribute to Aquarius his curiously gentle, profound psychology, and to Uranus conjunct Pluto in Aries the passion for bloodthirsty incident, which may also be credited to the position of his Mars conjunct Sun in Scorpio. Saturn is also in the Ascendant, just above Uranus, and this adds the tinge of melancholy which so increases his incomparable charm.
Another example is Ludwig II of Bavaria. Here Uranus in the eleventh house is in semi-square to a conjunction of Neptune and Mars on the Midheaven. We also see a conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Virgo in the fifth house, where these two planets are the focus of a yod pattern from Mars+Neptune and Pluto. So we see a dreamy, easy, pleasure-loving temperament, which bursts out at times into maniacal enthusiasms and extravagances. The lack of harmony between Uranus and Neptune is the essential blot in the personality which ultimately manifested itself as madness.
A final example is Abbas Effendi. Aquarius is rising, and Uranus in Aries is just within the second house. Uranus is sextile to Saturn in Aquarius and to the Sun with Mercury in Gemini; Uranus becomes the focus of a Talent Triangle pattern. Here we see the same gentle profundity as Stevenson's. But Neptune is rising opposed to the Moon; and, instead of the tremendous will which enabled Stevenson to rank with the greatest masters, there is but a soft and somewhat undefined personality, its Will remaining interior, not externalized, since the forces that oppress it are too strong to overcome, and also since Neptune, opposing the Moon, exercises an inhibitory influence on all continuous activity.

Uranus in the Fourth House
Unsettled residence, many changes of house; misfortune in the place of birth; trouble through the parents; danger of paralysis or other incurable infirmity in old age; a sudden end to life.

To arrive at the true valuation of Neptune's influence in the signs of the Zodiac and upon the native as he comes under the dominion of the signs, the reader must constantly bear in mind the peculiar nature of the planet as distinguished from other planets.
Whereas Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn exert their influences chiefly upon man in his mundane capacities, his evolutionary life, Neptune exerts a spiritual influence upon man in the midst of the latter's mundane existence, for Neptune is the planet of spiritual forces, of the revolutionary spirit itself.
Neptune's influence upon a life dominated wholly or chiefly by physical or materialistic interests is likely to be wholly bad or malefic, while this same influence, stressed upon a life already under a spiritual leading, will be wholly good or benefic.
It is the Neptune influence that gives the wings of vision to humanity in its long struggle out of darkness into the light of eternity.
Materialistic persons can think only in relative values of a day, a month, a year at most; intellectually developed persons think in values of a lifetime; but those of our sphere who are spiritually conscious think and work in terms of the eternal; to these a century is as a year, a cycle as a life; they are the true Neptunians. The materialistic astrologer classes Neptune "malefic, sinister, obscure," but the enlightened astrologian thoroughly understands that Neptune causes upon this earth and upon its natives the influx of a spiritual element unrelated to strictly earthly affairs. While the other planets are commensurable and deal with the relative, Neptune is incommensurable; he intrudes the absolute. In other words, for those developed spiritually Neptune is wholly "good," for others he seems wholly "bad." Neptune stirs the soul to aspiration toward the infinite; the result is that a humanitarian influence is projected by the native for the benefit of humanity's advance as a whole. On the other hand, for those whose desires cause them to plunge and wallow in the troughs of mere material delights and satisfactions, the Neptune influence is as a lightning bolt that shatters their temples of materialism to the very foundations.
Neptune's orbit, being the outer circle of our known universe, is so vast, the effect of his movement upon the earth is so slow, that we may best consider his influence as negative upon our physical life, and as positive upon our spiritual impulses. He is as an indication of the tendency of the period, the planet of the new era, a barometer of the latter-day Universe.
Neptune requires approximately fourteen years to move through a single sign. To give an account of his effects upon humanity would be to write the history of the world.
One can gauge him, to some extent, by considering certain events of comparatively recent times. Matters requiring wisdom are usually directed by men of between forty-five and fifty-five years, and the consensus of their influence may be divined from the place of Neptune at their birth.
Thus the Revolution of 1848 was brought about by men influenced by Neptune in Libra; they struggled for freedom and justice, but their policy lacked virility, while their methods failed because of indirectness. Similarly, the French Revolution was begun by people influenced by Neptune in Leo, but the generations of preparation toward that event involved people with that planet in Cancer or Gemini. Cromwell's Neptune was also in Leo.
The recent Great War was doubtless due to the influence of people born with Neptune in Aries; while the rebuilding of civilization has fallen upon those laborious and initiative men and women for whom Neptune works through Taurus and Gemini.
The scientific advance of the Nineteenth Century was due to pioneers stimulated by Neptune in Capricorn; and the fruits of their labors were gathered by men born with Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune was in Pisces, influencing the artistic, psychic decadent generation of the Nineties.
Times when skeptical thought attacks tradition by purely intellectual methods and makes constructive work possible are those influenced by Neptune in Gemini. Immanuel Kant, who destroyed the old philosophy, Voltaire, who destroyed the old religion, and their contemporaries were of such a generation.
Neptune, being the planet of spiritual forces, is always revolutionary. Forever he quickens the old life and increases the new life; the principle is the same; only the material varies according to the signs through which he moves.
Because of the character of Neptune and the long period of time it requires to pass through a single sign, its influence upon the individual is very dependent upon its position and aspect to other planets. It is, therefore, obviously unnecessary to go into a lengthy account of its effect upon the individual in the twelve signs.

Neptune in Pisces
People who have Neptune in Pisces are psychic in the extreme, over-modest and reserved. As Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, it is the most propitious position which this planet can hold. Pisces is a distinctly passive sign, and this is a completely passive position for Neptune. Pisces is also not a sign of great active strength and assertive power; its forces are more negative, receptive, reflectively benefic.
Thus, while in its own sign, Neptune does not possess nearly so much power to affect the material plane as in either more active or more material signs. In fact, the very spirituality of the planet and the very psychic passivity of the sign inevitably do not make for strength of manifestation on a physical earth. Thus, as the materialistic Scorpio is the most powerful position of Neptune and the spiritual Sagittarius its next in force, so, the material Capricorn being the weakest position, the psychic Pisces is its next in weakness, viewed from a material standpoint. Otherwise, Pisces might be considered the most powerful position of Neptune.
In the individual nativity, this position of Neptune in Pisces does not, as a rule, make for singularly dynamic impulses of high, altruistic quality. Most people are too materially active for this passive, psychic force to exert its influence. Unlike the position in Sagittarius, so strongly active, this position has little effect upon the average man, while it may lend force to the extraordinary man. Kaiser Wilhelm II, under whose strong rule Germany prospered for thirty years, had Neptune in Pisces angular in his chart, conjunct both the Midheaven and Mars. The talented comedic wit Oscar Wilde had Neptune in Pisces angular on his Descendant; unfortunately afflicted by a close square from Saturn on the Midheaven; the youthful radiance bestowed by Neptune gave way to imprisonment and a tragic end. Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud had Neptune in Pisces square the Moon but sextile to a Sun-Uranus conjunction. Painter Paul Gauguin had Neptune angular on the Descendant and the focus of a Kite pattern formed by the Moon, Mercury, and Chiron; he was successful as a stockbroker until he decided to escape civilization for the simple life of Tahiti. Desiring to escape to a simpler life is a common theme with people having a strong Neptune.
A malefic Neptune in Pisces gives a craving for narcotics and strong liquor.

Neptune in the Third House
Occult sympathies; change of name by deed or alias; psychological faculties; curious beliefs; inventive mind, fruitful imagination; dangerous journeys, and imposition or fraud among relatives; power of astral projection, or spiritual vision; high intuitive perceptions.

Pluto is a cold, remote, and austere planet. But for all its great distance from Earth, astrologers have found it to have a powerful influence in the life - as significant as is Saturn for the direction of one's life. Pluto gives the courage and intensity to transform oneself, sometimes in unexpected ways. All the outer planets symbolize higher mind functions and give awareness of the big picture - Pluto confers breadth, versatility, consciousness and judgment. Pluto's choices may violate social custom; it sees in terms of longer cycles and needs. Pluto is not by itself spiritual in nature, rather it is remorseless. It sometimes correlates with efficiency and a Spartan simplicity.

Pluto in Capricorn
Your generation matures early, occupying itself with serious matters such as the reform of business, politics, government, religion, science, and the environment. You may be a critic, but you are not a radical. Security is important to you. If Pluto is strong in your chart, you will strive for wisdom through reading and learning. You may idealize your father or a teacher and suffer from bouts of loneliness. You are capable of great self-knowledge and self-integration. If you bite the bullet and take well thought-out actions, you will leave the world a better place.

Pluto in the Second House
Gives powerful cravings for sensual experience. Look to the aspects of Pluto to see how the sex drive is expressed, repressed, or channeled into creative expression. Craves the unusual, different, or extreme. Gives a female many children. Possibility of financial shocks, such as tax audits.


Saturn square Neptune (5.94)
This influence varies from the other-worldly, who lack ambition and do not wish to be troubled with responsibility, to the crafty and designing who wish to win through at all costs and by any means. The two planets are of so different a nature that the character of the native is also divided, presenting very contradictory aspects at different times or in connection with different matters. There is nearly always the power to work hard, and even the opposition may not hinder great success (Henry Ford). On the other hand, the desire for retirement and seclusion may predominate.
There is usually a certain degree of self-will, and sometimes the native nourishes fantastic and impracticable schemes and ambitions.
There is scandal and sometimes even downfall, but nevertheless these aspects do not appear always to be serious, and, being of long duration by reason of the slowness of the two bodies involved, they need not be taken as very important unless they are either very close, or on angles, or involved with other bodies.
Since Saturn rules the 11th house essentially, the friends may be treacherous, unstable, parasitic, or implicated in scandals.
The ambitions are frequently thwarted and one's good name is liable to be assailed by hidden channels and in ways difficult of detection.
I have known great suspiciousness under this contact.

Saturn conjunct Ascendant (5.83)
Saturn rising at the time of your birth is not fortunate, so far as your worldly prosperity is concerned, as it indicates that the environment into which you were born was not the most favorable for progress or prosperity; you will have many obstacles with which to contend, and your success depends more upon your own efforts than upon any help from outside. You are industrious and plodding, and you can be very persevering and economical; also prudent and reserved. Your goal eventually will be Chastity and Justice - the more you cultivate moral virtues the nearer will you approach the true saturnine qualities, Meditation, Contemplation, Truth.

Venus trine Saturn (4.48)
These planets are of so diverse a nature that any union of their action seems, in my experience, to be evil from the standpoint of ordinary happiness; and I cannot trace a very clear demarcation in this respect between the so-called good and the so-called evil aspects. For example, in my cases of suicide there is exactly the same number of the one class as of the other. It would seem that some bodies are of a naturally antagonistic character, so that even the harmony of a trine or sextile cannot altogether weld their influences into harmony. Naturally this failure of the good aspects to produce good is the more noticeable when either Venus or Saturn is otherwise weak by sign or aspect. In some fifty cases that I have tabulated it is extremely hard to differentiate the good from the bad aspects by a mere reference to the facts of the life and character of each native : some of the unhappiest have had the former, and vice versa.
Venus is naturally a light-spirited influence, and any contact of Saturn seems to quench this : "chill as a dull face frowning on a song." Saturn is stern reality forcing itself upon our happy moments that are born of Venus.
But with the harmonious aspects it is probable that not only are the actual effects alleviated, even if we cannot measure this mitigation, but there is the possibility of considerable spiritual beauty, born of material hardship and the absence of the ordinary pleasures of life. Indeed these are often willingly rejected for the sake of some ideal. The burden is born, but it is carried gladly. Saturn is irradiated by Venus, and the "spiritual marriage" may be consummated.
In all cases the affections are likely to be very concentrated and of a serious character, idealistic but never passionate in an emotional sense.
In the case of women the contact often means the sacrifice of the personal desires on the altar of family ties and obligations.

Sun trine Mars (3.16)
This aspect indicates great energy, and, subject to the remainder of the map, much actual daring and adventurousness. Nevertheless, this energy is frequently expressed in intellectual fields and is by no means always concerned with adventures in the usual sense of this word.
There is usually strength and hardihood of body, though the physique is often spare and wiry rather than heavy and powerful. There is quick decision, alertness, and ability in all matters appertaining to objective problems. Nothing is too much trouble; the native likes to exercise his powers both physical and mental, and he is never happy unless doing something. He is far happier when busy performing or discussing his own doings than when forced to listen to others. If airy or mutable signs rise, the energy is often intellectual; with watery signs ascending, there is often a "psychical" expression, i.e. the force of character is seen in the personality, which is of the kind often called magnetic. Regard must also naturally be paid to the signs containing the aspecting bodies themselves, but in any case there will probably be a decisive type of character, knowing well what it thinks, wishes, and intends.
The profounder Scorpio side of Mars often causes the native to be a seeker after "hidden" things, a deep thinker, and an incisive, close-knit writer, such as R. W. Emerson (had a Yod pattern focused on 10). It likes epigram and apothegm. The same influence makes the native secretive, having a distinct inner side that is rarely exhibited; it is also productive of personal dignity and self-control. Likewise patient endurance of physical pain comes under this configuration, such as was exemplified by the late Earl Curzon. It may be emphatically said that the aspects of the Sun and Mars are by no means the purely pugnacious and brawn-producing influences that they are sometimes supposed to be; in their highest manifestation they signify the true *hero*, or man who fights, as it were, in the front ranks of mankind for the welfare of the race, a modern Hercules, in the ideal sense of the myth.
Note that even the harmonious contacts usually bring some of the effects more often ascribed to the inharmonious, especially if either body is weak by sign or by other aspects. But these are likely to fall short of actual harm and may be rather of the nature of narrow escapes. For example, Lord Roberts was in the utmost danger when he won his Victoria Cross.

Mercury conjunct Venus (2.34)
This aspect always gives some charm to the manners, speech, and writings. The sensitiveness is not marked, and is of the kind normally associated with refinement and good breeding.
The conjunction bestows good spirits, a charming, cheerful, happy nature, with much friendliness and sociability. There is, as a rule, a liking for young people and the native himself is often juvenile in his tastes : sometimes there is an element of what is called the child-psychology with its harmless, rather superficial interests and lack of real depth of purpose. This is naturally most observable when the influence of Saturn is not pronounced.
The aspect does not of itself bestow genius, but is of great value to a writer or orator, for, though it does not indicate a brilliant intellect, it will give a pleasing expression to the native's thoughts.
In respect of the health it operates very beneficially, indicating absence of mental friction and healthy nerves.
It may bring profit through art, writings, speaking, and any 3rd house activity.
For some reason that I cannot explain the conjunction does not seem favorable to the children of the native. Often indeed there are none; and in other cases there is separation or a lack of common interests. It seems to tend more to the production of intellectual offspring, such as works of art or literature.

Jupiter trine Pluto (1.45)
You are powerful and creative, with a distinct style that is all your own. You take more chances than do most. You may be genial and pleasant, but underneath there is an intensity that others find intimidating. You are a significant somebody, but there is no guarantee that all your decisions are the correct ones. Seek advice from less confident associates.

Sun square Uranus (1.28)
This is pre-eminently a contact of leadership, for the will, in all Sun-Uranus aspects, is strong and independent. However, unless the horoscope contains other mitigating features, the inharmonious contacts are likely to be of an unfortunate nature, even to the extent of catastrophe.
The self-will of the native is likely to be extreme and the judgment is perverse, refusing, when the self-will is aroused, to take account of the most patent and important facts. Sometimes the afflicted-Uranus person is, as it were, impelled from without to work his own destruction or injury. Vanity, morbid sensitiveness, and wrong-headedness of every kind characterize this class of aspects : if the native is a genius, it will rob him of many of the rewards of genius; if he is capable, he will still, by some foolish act, destroy the fruits of his own work, perhaps after much labor and effort. Even if he is personally amiable, he will still be stubborn, misguided, and fickle. The views, interests, and pursuits are liable to be completely changed, abruptly and often frequently.
In women it is certainly less dangerous than in men, but it indicates high nervous tension sometimes bordering on the hysterical; and if they are called on to exercise authority the same tendency will be seen to "take hold of the wrong end of the stick" and to be their own enemy, by some uncalled-for and unnecessary ineptitude. It is not in everyday life that this affliction will generally appear; it will act only occasionally, but often at the most critical times.
In matters of health it inclines to nervous complaints and also to deep-rooted and obscure ailments.
It is a common contact in the maps of leaders of "occult" movements and peculiar cults; but it is an aspect of discord and disruption, and none the less so because such people frequently preach "brotherhood" before all things, the benefits of this fraternal feeling being as a rule exclusively reserved for those who are prepared to "feed out of the hand" of the teacher! As a general rule they are difficult people to be on the wrong side of, and in such circumstances can be "good haters." In Sun-Uranus there is rarely the humility and self-forgetfulness of the true mystic, although in this respect the square is better than the opposition, and, of course, careful attention must be paid, as always, to the rest of the map.
Where there is no support from other bodies there can be no doubt that these aspects call for great self-control of the feeling side of the nature, as well as a strenuous effort to maintain mental balance and common-sense. The native cannot be too careful to avoid precipitate action, especially when the feelings are aroused. Above all, the tendency to indulge in inflated fancies of the kind that panders to personal vanity must be avoided, for the dramatic proclivities of the harmonious aspects appear in the inharmonious ones in the guise of self-glorifying impulses, which may have serious results if the rest of the map is of the same kind. There is usually a complete lack of humor in so far as the native is the target thereof.
It is not a criminal contact and appears to indicate peril to the emotional nature rather than the passional. Further, it may be conceded that it is commonly found in the maps of gifted people, though they may be eccentric and have the other failings here mentioned. Again the ideals may be high and the intentions of the best, nor are they ever cunning or underhanded. They may organize well, and it may be said that often a person with the inharmonious contacts will for a long period behave as wisely and successfully as if he had the harmonious : then he will perhaps suddenly and without reason go off at a tangent and either abandon or gravely injure the construction he has raised. If they inherit or take over a "going concern" they tend to tamper with it, and cannot let well alone.

Moon square Saturn (0.41)
The inner side of these contacts is usually inefficiency, the native being a bad leader and organizer, without set purpose or policy, often not intelligent and confused in his methods, giving himself and others unnecessary trouble. He is careless and imprudent, weak and obstinate, cunning and silly, astute in details, but blind in main issues. Sometimes it causes laziness; sometimes energy without persistence. Depression and discontent are common.
With depression there is often a lack of real self-reliance and the native may be a prey to fear and foreboding, and a feeling of general inadequacy in respect of his obligations and duties. He is apt sometimes to rely on the material supports of life rather than on character.
Shyness is common.
The entire feminine side of the nature is limited by this contact, and unless other aspects come to the assistance of the Moon, much unhappiness and emotional inhibition may occur. Even the good aspects of the Moon and Saturn sometimes tend to dourness and rigidity, and a dislike of, or inability to partake in, pleasures, particularly if Venus be weak.
On the circumstantial side, which will be the more evident in many cases, there is a likelihood of hardship particularly in early and in late life. The native may easily be misunderstood, and have to endure harshness, severity, and lack of emotional satisfaction.
The relations with the mother are rarely happy; she may be unfortunate, or may die young, be unhealthy, or be a burden to the native; or she may be dominating and stern in her attitude. The home is seldom imbued with a genial atmosphere such as a child needs.
In marriage it tends to unions between persons of diverse ages; sometimes there are social differences and the parents either prevent marriage or urge unsatisfactory alliances based on Saturnian considerations of duty, advantage, and so forth. There are rarely many children.
The native may come into contact with violence and ill-health. The opposition seems very potent in this respect. Sometimes there is unpopularity, especially with women and with the masses; sometimes there is a rather senseless popularity that does not last.

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